【開箱】Samsung Galaxy S20+5G 晴空白 超棒的高畫質8K 1

samsung S20+開箱

三星發表新系列旗艦不久,S20 Ultra是三款中最有話題性的,而且不久後,網路上討論聲量最大也都集中在S20 Ultra。隨之而來造成誇大的關注在特定裝置,對一般消費者來說,它不是太誇張就是售價太高昂。是的,我們指的就是現今旗艦手機不斷提高的平均售價,今天就來挑一隻價格中等的S20+開箱吧!

Samsung S20+影片看這裡

約莫5分鐘快速簡短的Samsung S20+影片,希望能幫助尚未購買想購買的人,能夠了解一下商品。

Samsung S20+外盒


SAMSUNG Galaxy S20+開箱
【開箱】Samsung Galaxy S20+5G 晴空白 超棒的高畫質8K 2






Samsung Galsxy S20+ 手機外觀

S20+ 盒內配件


samsung雙頭TYPE C原廠傳輸線



samsung usb原廠充電頭TA-800

原廠旅充頭(Type c)

型號:EP-TA800 輸入:100-240V 50-60Hz 0.7A 輸出:5V 3A OR 9V 2.77A

samsung Type C原廠AKG耳機


AKG by Harman 耳機,採用雙動圈結構 防纏繞線材,更加時尚亮眼 內建麥克風,帶線控功能 平行輸入-密封袋裝。

samsung S20+ 原廠贈送保護殼



Samsung Galaxy S20+ 規格介紹

◎ 5G+ 4G 雙卡雙待
◎ Android 10 作業系統、One UI 2.1 操作介面
◎ 6.7 吋 3,200 x 1,440pixels 解析度 Dynamic AMOLED 2X 觸控螢幕(525ppi)
◎ Qualcomm Snapdragon 865, 2.8GHz + 2.4GHz + 1.8GHz 八核心處理器
◎ 12GB RAM / 128GB ROM
◎ 前置 1,000 萬畫素鏡頭
◎ 後置 1,200 萬畫素 + 6,400 萬畫素 + 1,200 萬畫素 + ToF 景深主相機
◎ 5CA、Wi-Fi 6、藍牙 5.0
◎ IP68 防水防塵等級
◎ 超聲波指紋辨識、臉部解鎖
◎ 4,500mAh 電池
◎ 採用 USB Type-C 規格,支援 25W 閃電快充、15W 無線閃充 2.0、無線電力分享
◎ 支援 microSD 記憶卡,最高可擴充至 1TB 儲存空間

galaxy s20+

One UI 2.1 操作介面


galaxy 20+

能透過SmartThings 控制智慧家居


現在就下載 SmartThings 應用程式。

Samsung Galaxy S20+ 機體規格


161.9 mm

73.7 mm

7.8 mm

186 g

3c Phone Market


  • 拍照:真心覺得拍照比S10+好,覺得 S20+的光澤和細節略勝S10+,個人覺得而已,不用筆戰,你如果覺得S10+的照片成相比較也可以!
  • 螢幕:1080P + 120HZ更新率 VS 1440P + 60HZ更新率,覺得都很好,沒有說哪一個螢幕很明顯的佔優勢,覺得不管是Note 10+或是S20+,兩者的螢幕都很優異。
  • 曲面螢幕幅度:S20+的曲面螢幕幅度已經幾乎快跟平面螢幕一樣了,個人很喜歡這樣的設計。
  • 雙喇叭:個人覺得S20+的雙喇叭,實在是真的大聲,宏亮,又不破音,個人感覺略勝Note 10。
  • 最重要的是如果是個Youtube的話,超推薦超高畫質8k可以直接上傳影片這個功能。

3c Phone Market




最後修改日期: 27 9 月, 2020



This is literally the first time I am hearing about this Samsung Galaxy s20 and really, it makes so much sense to me that you can want to write on it here on your website. The Chinese company really packed a punch in the phone with the camera and the awesome processor.

    3C ???? Phone market 

    Samsung is indeed very good. Every flagship model brings consumers a different new experience.

Wow! What an impressive article about the 3G phone market, adverts and affiliate marketing.I’m no expert with technology, phones, 5G etc etc. If my phone does what i need it to do, then i’m really happy with it! By the way i do have a Samsung phone and tablet, which are brilliant and at this present time i’m not really looking to upgrade.(Gosh…..the Chinese language is incredible by the way!!!!)The way you have explained everything in detail with the phone market is excellent!I love the smart things, smart hub & sensors, the compatible devices and voice assistant, amazingly amazing!  And the, turning home into a smart home, is like something out of ‘Star Trek’…..AMAZINGLY AMAZING!!! Is this really the technology of the future?The places where to buy the Samsung Galaxy’s, does that include world wide?I would definitely buy the Galaxy S20, oneu12 design, for everyday simplicity! Just what i need. Now i’m thinking of upgrading!!! The way that it folds with 5 cameras – WOW! WOW!What will Samsung phones and tablets look like in the future, say the next 10 years? The evolution of the next generation prototypes sounds impressively out of this world!Maybe, just maybe, ‘Star Trek’, might become a reality! Who knows! Maybe 6G…..

    3C ???? Phone market 

    Dayo thank you for taking the time to check out my unboxing article. Yes, you can buy Samsung products all over the world. The upgrade of oneu12 does bring many benefits. If you plan to upgrade, you can act immediately without thinking.

